DrainVision's FAQ

The DrainVision Floor-Scale system has two main components: the Gateway and the Scale. The gateway is an electric communication device that receives information from the scale and sends it to the cloud, which is analyzed and processed in the UI. The scale consists of a stainless-steel tray and the sensor measuring station connected to it (Manifold). Once the gateway and the DrainVision scales are placed and activated, the manifold samples the weight, EC, and pH levels every five minutes. The irrigation and the drainage samples accrue once they start. The manifold sends the data to the gateway every 10 minutes and, which directly to the DrainVision user interface.

The LoRa technology-based gateway is so powerful that, in most cases, you need only one GW to receive all the data sent by the DrainVision Floor scales on your farm. 

Activating the GW can be done in two ways. You can connect the GW directly to an electric outlet. Sometimes, when electricity is unavailable, or there are frequent interruptions in the electricity grid, the GW can be operated using a solar panel.

The GW includes a 5G data global nano SIM card, which enables sending the data directly to the cloud.

The Gateway has three cloud connection capabilities:

  1. Using a SIM card
  2. Direct connection to the Internet using an Ethernet cable.
  3. Through a connection to a wireless Internet network (Wifi)

The distance over which DrainVision scales transmit data to the GW depends on three main factors: greenhouse infrastructure, plant canopy, and the distance between the gateway and the scales. In cases where greenhouse infrastructure is simple (e.g., Nethouse) and plant canopy is low (e.g., Blueberries), data transmission can reach over one kilometer. However, with advanced greenhouse infrastructure (such as cannabis indoor growth chambers, advanced Dutch greenhouses, etc.) and high plant canopy, the transmission distance might be less.

The suitable DrainVision Floor -Scale for your farm depends mainly on your growing pot/slab dimensions. Our 110 cm (L)* 25 cm (W) and 207 cm * 25 cm trays are designed for most growing slabs and open-top grow cubes. Our 135 cm (L) * 45 (W) and 50 cm (L) * 45 cm (W) are designed for large pot planting, as used for Blueberries and Cannabis mother plants.
The DrainVision Floor Scale fits any surface, such as a growing gutter, growing tables, or on the floor, as long as they are wider than 17 cm. The DrainVision Floor Scale should be placed on a solid surface to measure the weight accurately.
Growers determine the number of systems per farm based on various factors, including crop varieties, the number and size of greenhouses, irrigation valves, and more. Contact our team for advice.
Yes, the DrainVision system is suitable for any kind of substrate, such as peat, coco-coir, or perlite. It fits them all as long as the growing container is not over 45 cm.
Yes. Our EC&PH dripper enables you to monitor the EC and the pH in your irrigation drippers.
Very easy. Our DrainVision scales weigh 11-19 Kg, are wireless, and are not connected to the growing surface.

The DrainVision comes with two lithium-ion batteries that can last for up to one year.

The measuring range of the EC sensor is 0-20.0 ds/m with an accuracy of +-2%.

We recommend that you consult the quality department. We believe calibrating EC probes should be taken at the beginning of every growing season, following the cleaning of the DrainVision manifold.
As we all know, pH probes are very delicate.PH probes should be calibrated every month after cleaning the DrainVision manifold. We recommend that you consult the quality department in regards.

The Maximum weight that can be measured is 100 Kg, with an accuracy level of 10 gr.

No. There is no need to calibrate the weight sensors.
No. There is no need to calibrate the drainage and the irrigation sensors.
The cleaning frequency of the DrainVision manifold depends on your crop. Why? When the type of growth is such that there is an accumulation of foliage and dirt on the tray during the growing season (As Blueberries), we recommend cleaning the tray and the manifold at least once a week. When the growth is relatively clean, with minimal foliage and dirt (as in indoor Cannabis), we recommend cleaning the tray and the manifold every four weeks.
As much as you want.

Yes. In our UI platform, you can set alerts. Defining and changing the thresholds on a mobile device or PC is easy. You can set The thresholds for each of the measured parameters: water content, drain, irrigation, and EC in the drain. You will receive the alerts on the mobile app and in your UI.

Note: Our current DrainVision app alerts support the Android operating system.

Integrating the DrainVision data into your irrigation controller is possible through an API and/or Modbus. Contact our Technical team for more details.

We trust that you have found the answers to your questions. If you have any remaining inquiries, our technical team is ready to provide the information you seek.